Untold Tales


Aug. 1, 2021

Episode 46: Night Cap

Night Cap: Steven went to bed on a night similar to thousands before. He was awakened by an ominous feeling and a tap, tap, tapping near his head. He was no longer in his bed, no longer on earth. Steven has some choices to make. Meet our newest Untold Tales…

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Aug. 1, 2021

Episode 45: Where All Roads End

Where All Roads End: Some people will go to great ends to find answers to difficult questions, especially those question that have no answers. How exciting! A GUEST VOICE ACTOR!! Meet Peter Gourri. Born in London, when he is not enjoying life as a voice actor, he is a Qualified…

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July 1, 2021

Episode 44: Elsewhere

Elsewhere: A man thinks he has found a door to another world. But is it real? Is it new or is it very old? And, most importantly, is it dangerous? We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio…

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July 1, 2021

Episode 43: Dialogues

Dialogues is a short story demonstrating how human beings learned to talk to stars. This story was submitted to the Tribeca Film Festival in it's newest 2021 Podcast Category. The feedback we received was as follows! "Dear Melissa Del Toro, Thank you submitting your podcast for consideration for the 2021…

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June 1, 2021

Episode 42: The Voice in the Wilderness

The Voice in the Wilderness: What if there really was a god, and she was a manipulative, egotistical bully? This story is written by Don Muchow, the first man to complete a cross-country run from Disneyland to Disney World! Check out the press on his latest accomplishment! He's been featured…

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June 1, 2021

Episode 41: Father's Day

Father's Day: A man gives his ailing father a marvelous gift, but finds that he has forgotten something very important. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover (//www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover)…

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May 1, 2021

Episode 40: Shattered Sky by Victoria Wieck

Shattered Sky: In a fallen dystopian world where citizens pay for air and water, a heartbroken older sister perseveres in rescuing her younger sister from a human trafficking ring and realizes that the powerlessness of her past is what fuels the redemption of her future. This short story is the…

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May 1, 2021

Episode 39: The Philosopher's Stone

The Philosopher's Stone: Miraculous discoveries often occur quite unexpectedly. But sometimes it turns out that they should not have occurred at all. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at…

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March 31, 2021

Episode 38: Timeless Stray

ANOTHER Victorian sci-fi episode! Yes! ANOTHER New Author! DOUBLE YES! If you recall, Episode 14: One Last Time was Victorian Sci-Fi, too! Timeless Stray: Investigators in Victorian England are hired to find out whether a fortune teller is real or if she is a charlatan. In any case, sometimes the…

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March 31, 2021

Episode 37: Adventures in Virtual Reality

Adventures in Virtual Reality: New technologies often have marvelous benefits, but there can be a downside to new tech as well. Sadly, there always seems to be a way to misuse new inventions. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe…

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March 26, 2021

Episode 30 Untold Tales New Year 2021 Update and Season 2 Kickoff!

You can listen to ALL of the Untold Tales Podcast episodes here! http://hyperurl.co/Untold-Tales Show Notes Summary: 1:26 End of Season 1, Beginning of Season 2 2:15 Personal confession - character voices… scary! Uber vulnerability… 3:00 Big New Year 2021 goals - Who I’m seeking personally! Beautiful collaborations 4:00 UNTOLD TALES…

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March 26, 2021

Episode 23 Untold Tales Interview with Melissa Del Toro Schaffner

This video is an interview with the narrator of the Untold Tales Audio Anthology podcast of Sci-Fi short stories, available on every podcast player in the Universe. 💜🎧 http://hyperurl.co/Untold-Tales Here's a link to the Freebie, Five Tips on Getting Started in Voiceover https://www.melissadeltoro.com/Beginner_VO_Advice

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March 26, 2021

Untold Tales Podcast Episode 10 : Interview with the author of the Untold Tales Dr. Jeff Robinson

This video is an interview with the writer and author of the Untold Tales Audio Anthology podcast of Sci-Fi short stories, available on every podcast player in the Universe. 💜🎧 http://hyperurl.co/Untold-Tales

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March 26, 2021

Untold Tales Podcast Trailer 2021

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March 1, 2021

Episode 36: Destiny's Doorstep

Destiny's Doorstep: A peaceful, backward-seeming civilization living on an Eden-like planet near a distant wormhole receives existential threats from an unwelcome Earth. But all is not as it appears. This is the second story by one of our first NEW Untold Tales authors, Don Muchow. Don lives and works in…

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March 1, 2021

Episode 35: The Gift of Memory

The Gift of Memory: Forgetting things is natural and can be sometimes be problematic. Not forgetting things, however, has far more serious consequences. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site…

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March 1, 2021

Episode 34: Springtime on Mars

Springtime on Mars: There are always people who are drawn to the edge or things and those who venture ahead to explore the unknown. But that edge is always moving further away. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to…

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Feb. 1, 2021

Episode 33: The Buddhas of the Past

The Buddhas of the Past: Sometimes we forget things as we get old. But what if as we forgot them, those things actually ceased to be? This is the second story by one of our first NEW Untold Tales authors, Don Muchow. Don lives and works in the suburbs of…

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Feb. 1, 2021

Episode 32: Conversations With an Uncle on The Occasion of His Passing

Conversations With an Uncle on The Occasion of His Passing: A young man speeds to the side of his ailing uncle 'to observe his passing.' What he experiences, however, is more than he bargained for. This is the first story by one of our first NEW Untold Tales authors, Don…

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Feb. 1, 2021

Episode 31: The Vetting

The Vetting: The tests required to let you travel to distant alien worlds is harder than one would expect and some of the tests aren't what you think they are. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio…

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Jan. 5, 2021

Episode 30: Season 2 Kickoff!

We've reached the END of Season 1! Welcome to Season 2!! Show Notes Summary: 1:26 End of Season 1, Beginning of Season 2 2:15 Personal confession - character voices… scary! Uber vulnerability… 3:00 Big New Year 2021 goals - Who I’m seeking personally! Beautiful collaborations 4:00 UNTOLD TALES PODCAST DATA…

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Jan. 1, 2021

Episode 29: The Edge

The Edge: A story about a man trapped many light years away from home who is found and befriended by an alien far older than the universe itself. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and…

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Dec. 31, 2020

Episode 28: A Failure To Communicate

A Failure To Communicate: An alien visits the Earth and thinks humans are unintelligent bugs. The humans think the alien is an unintelligent beast. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon…

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Dec. 30, 2020

Episode 27: False Dawn

False Dawn: A scientist predicts the dawning of a new age of achievement promising a miraculous world, only to find that his predictions are very, very wrong. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider…

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