Untold Tales


June 1, 2022

Episode 69: Flash Fiction

FLASH FICTION (by Jeff Robinson, Don Muchow, and Gill Schmidt) Time for something DIFFERENT! Please enjoy this episode of FLASH FICTION sci-fi stories. These stories have been proven even more difficult to write, and write well, than our longer stories - as well as novels and novellas. Writing short stories…

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May 1, 2022

Episode 68: Clash of the Redheads or Methodology and Firmly Fixed Jargon

Clash of the Redheads or Methodology and Firmly Fixed Jargon - A US President meets Time Travelers and alters the Historical Record. A lifelong artist, Howard Loring is an actor, printmaker, painter and sculptor, as well as the author of both novels and short stories. Married, he currently resides in…

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May 1, 2022

Episode 67: Perfect Memories

Perfect Memories - Sometimes even the best memories can be bittersweet. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology on Podchaser at https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/untold-tales-1368809 and consider visiting our Patreon site at www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover (http://www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover) ! If you'd like to…

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April 1, 2022

Episode 66: The Crazy Old Sandman OR General Mechanics of Warfare

The Crazy Old Sandman OR General Mechanics of Warfare: Changing the flow of History is not always a benign undertaking. A lifelong artist, Howard Loring is an actor, printmaker, painter and sculptor, as well as the author of both novels and short stories. Married, he currently resides in the Southeastern…

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April 1, 2022

Episode 65: Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity: Upon his recovery from an accident, a criminal is mistaken for someone else. He decides to use this error to his own advantage, but things are not what they seem. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to…

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March 18, 2022

Episode 64: Meet the Authors of The Untold Tales Podcast!

MEET THE AUTHORS, LIVE! On March 12, 2022 at 9pm London, UK / 4pm Eastern, U.S.A./ 2pm Arizona, U.S.A. / 1pm Pacific U.S.A. we met with Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson, Don Muchow, Marc Neuffer and Howard Loring to discuss their inspiration and process of writing the stories narrated on our…

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March 13, 2022

The Untold Tales Podcast - Meet The Author 2022 Event

This video is a 90-minute virtual event held by the co-creators of The Untold Tales Podcast called "Meet the Authors"! Attendees got to get their burning questions answered and learn so much more about our author’s ideas on great science fiction, writing processes, story inspiration and so much more!

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March 1, 2022

Episode 63: The Seed of Wisdom

The Seed of Wisdom: A religious pilgrim finds something that can grant virtually any wish he might have. But he is uncertain about what to do and is torn by doubt until many years later when he finally finds an answer. Our first author collaboration! We hope you enjoy this…

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March 1, 2022

Episode 62: Coautl

Coautl: A zoologist finds himself marooned on a mysterious island a hundred miles off the Georgia coast where evolution has kicked into overdrive. But after he returns to his stranded boat, he can no longer find the island--and will anyone really believe his story? Another story by our cross-country running,…

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Feb. 14, 2022

Episode 61: VIRTUAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT! Meet the Authors of Untold Tales

MEET THE AUTHORS, LIVE! Calling all listeners, fans, patrons and Untold Tales podcast lovers… Join us on March 12, 2022 at 9pm London, UK / 4pm Eastern, U.S.A./ 2pm Arizona, U.S.A. / 1pm Pacific U.S.A. to ASK YOUR QUESTIONS! MEET Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson, Don Muchow, Marc Neuffer and Howard…

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Feb. 1, 2022

Episode 60: As Long As You Both Shall Live

As Long As You Both Shall Live: A newlywed AI researcher dies suddenly in a car accident, but all is not lost: her consciousness is uploaded into one of her own creations, making her effectively immortal. But who will repair her and keep her running for the millennia to come?…

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Feb. 1, 2022

Episode 59: Punching the Clock

Punching the Clock: Two flippantly engaged PHD’s unexpectantly discover that they have something much more serious in common love, and that their academic work together, may potentially alter the course of the human race. A NEW UNTOLD TALES AUTHOR!! Our first new author of 2022 is Howard Loring. A lifelong…

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Jan. 1, 2022

Episode 58: The Fool

The Fool: A homeless man on a bus learns that he's omniscient. It's been driving him crazy, and he's afraid he can't hold on for much longer. Our second story of 2022 by Don Muchow! Stay tuned for new EVENTS in the coming year as well as games and trivia…

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Jan. 1, 2022

Episode 57: Zero Day Exploit

Zero Day Exploit: Being the first to discover something can sometimes be a great advantage…. But you can’t always predict the outcome. Welcome to Season 3 and our first story of 2022! Stay tuned for new EVENTS in the coming year as well as games and trivia to test your…

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Dec. 15, 2021

Episode 56: Through Other Eyes

Through Other Eyes: A story transcending time and space. A very personal story about the true nature of love. Our last story of 2021! Stay tuned for new EVENTS in the coming year as well as games and trivia to test your knowledge of the Untold Tales Audio Anthologies! We…

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Dec. 1, 2021

Episode 55: Applied Science

Applied Science - Science can’t solve every problem, but sometimes it can offer solutions you never suspected. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover (https://www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover) If you'd like…

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Dec. 1, 2021

Episode 54: A Little Knowledge

A Little Knowledge: A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, far more dangerous that you might realize. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover If you'd like…

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Nov. 1, 2021

Episode 53: A Day in the Life Of

A Day in the Life Of : If you look at it from one perspective, we’re all time travelers, headed to the future; just one day at a time. This episode was challenging for a Latina American woman with a natural Midwestern American accent! Thanks to dialect coach Tom Antonellis…

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Nov. 1, 2021

Episode 52: Family Matters

Family Matters: In a universe full of greed and self-interest, altruism is the exceptional choice. Meet out very newest Untold Tales Author, Science Fiction Short Story Winner Jim Gamble! Jim was born in Independence, Missouri, the hometown of Harry S. Truman. He lives there with his wife, Paula, but their…

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Oct. 25, 2021

Episode 51: The Bump

The Bump: A creepy little story fit for Halloween! Meet Caryn Larrinaga, our newest Untold Tales Author. Thank you Caryn and Tony Pham of TKMV here in Phoenix, AZ for the opportunity to debut my 5 year old Daughter, Indi, as "the boy" and the "girl in pigtails" and my…

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Oct. 1, 2021

Episode 50: Gorlak

Gorlak: In the year 2203, Riley lives a life of chosen seclusion in the Yukon Territory. She alone has access to alien ships and technology billions of year old, from a race long receded. Her only wish is to be left alone. Now, two federal agents are looking for her.…

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Oct. 1, 2021

Episode 49: Things That Go Bump In The Night

Things That Go Bump In The Night: When times get tough, things can get scary. When things get strange, you often find that you can only count on yourself. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology…

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Sept. 1, 2021

Episode 48: Waking

Waking: A man with no memory of who he is keeps awakening in the same prison cell with no memory of why he’s there, until he discovers he's his own captor, the secrets being kept from him are his own, and he's always been free and able to leave. Another…

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Sept. 1, 2021

Episode 47: To Protect and Serve

To Protect and Serve: Solving crimes and enforcing the law is a universal constant across all civilizations, even the most alien ones. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at…

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