Episode 64: Meet the Authors of The Untold Tales Podcast!


On March 12, 2022 at 9pm London, UK / 4pm Eastern, U.S.A./ 2pm Arizona, U.S.A. / 1pm Pacific U.S.A. we met with Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson, Don Muchow, Marc Neuffer and Howard Loring to discuss their inspiration and process of writing the stories narrated on our podcast. 

We asked Marc Neuffer " (mailto:marcneuffer@outlook.com) Where do you get story ideas? How do you develop them?"

We asked Howard Loring " (mailto:howardloring@outlook.com) How exactly do you use the ideas of Classical Myth?” and

“What is an Epic Fable?”

We asked Jeff " (mailto:robinson_ja@q.com) What do you think the elements are of good science fiction?"

And Don Muchow answered the question "Where do you get the inspiration for your stories?”

Their answers may not be what you think and are VERY insightful!

I also asked them each the NAIL BITER question..."What do you think of Melissa's narration of your stories?" and "How did it feel handing over your story for someone else to interpret and narrate?"

You'll also learn about their sense of mission and what they are hoping you get from their fantastical storytelling. 

We know you'll love what you hear and hope you will engage us with comments on our YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcEMLFE2eyyCQ6W_joTnNuw 


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