Gorlak: In the year 2203, Riley lives a life of chosen seclusion in the Yukon Territory. She alone has access to alien ships and technology billions of year old, from a race long receded. Her only wish is to be left alone. Now, two federal agents are looking for her. Should she run from the home she loves or face possible capture?
Author of six Science Fiction action adventure novels, Marc Neuffer, an avid reader of this genre since the early 1960s, uses his extensive science and engineering background to pen novels of future time and space with plausible science as a backdrop for his imaginative stories built around normal characters.
Before becoming an author, Marc spent 20 years roaming the world with the U.S. Navy as a nuclear propulsion engineer visiting sixteen countries in Europe, Down Under, Asia, Eastern Pacific, Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean.
After retiring a second time, he started writing fun-read science fiction novels. In retirement, with nothing else left on his bucket list, he dreams of future things to come.
Website: www.m-c-neuffer.com (http://www.m-c-neuffer.com/)
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Marc-Neuffer/e/B07S7M48J4
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