Hal Fulton

Hal Fulton Profile Photo

Guest Author

Hal Fulton is a software developer in real life; he has two degrees in computer science and is the author of "The Ruby Way". His passions are reading, writing, music, art, and theatre. He lives in Austin, Texas, in a condo located directly above the center of the Earth. His hobbies include live music and passing counterfeit bills to tourists. His short stories have been rejected by some of the finest magazines in the country.

Hal is scheduled for more upcoming episodes, "Ahead of his Time", and "Unknowable"

Oct. 1, 2023

Episode 102 : The Unknowable

The Unknowable - There are lines that separate what is, what is not... and what might be. There is a boundary between reality and dreams. When we lose sight of that boundary... that is madness. This is our third story submitt...
July 15, 2023

Episode 97 : Ahead of His Time

Ahead of His Time : Many regard Charles Babbage as the father of the computer. His ideas were revolutionary, and they were completely original... weren't they? We hope you enjoy our second story by Untold Tales Author Hal Ful...
Nov. 1, 2022

Episode 79: Tesla's Time

Tesla's Time : Nicola Tesla is the subject of many myths and exaggerations today... But his genius was very real. What if his efforts had been applied just a little differently? Would our world be better... or worse? Welcome ...