May 14, 2023

Episode 93: Mom's Dream

Episode 93: Mom's Dream
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Episode 93: Mom's Dream

Mom's Dream: A woman opts for eternal life to continue her spiritual mission, but got more than she bargained for.

Another author collaboration! We hope you enjoy this new, original story, co-written by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and my MOTHER, Edna Del Toro! Just in time for Mother's Day 2023.

Edna Del Toro is a loving mother and friend to all who meet her. She is still caring for her own mother, who is currently 93 years young and a proud Boriqua (Puerto Rican) who encourages EVERYONE she meets to learn to speak Spanish.

Edna is beloved by everyone she meets and a devoted Nichirin Buddhist. She chants "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" in an effort to further kosen rufu (world peace) and her own happiness, as well as the happiness of everyone around her. She was a devoted teacher in the Pittsburgh Public School system her entire 40 year career. But secretly, she has a passion for writing, reading and photography. One of the BIGGEST supporters of the Untold Tales podcast, we are excited to share her creative writing talents with you. This story is based off a very vivid dream that she had one April morning in 2023. Her eldest daughter (me) encouraged her to write it down and flesh it out. Thank you, Don, for supporting my mom with your marvelous storytelling talent.

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Don Muchow

Guest Author

Don Muchow is a guest writer on the Untold Tales podcast. Don lives and works in the suburbs of Dallas, TX, where he is currently training to finish his "bucket list" run across the United States. A lifelong advocate of immersive, dystopian SF, he believes that buried in the shadows of every dark future lies the inextinguishable spirit of hope and the yearning for a better tomorrow. When he's not imagining dystopian futures, you can catch Don running across the US or planning his next epic exploit.

He has appeared in 10 episodes and is scheduled for 9 more in the near future.