Episode 30: Season 2 Kickoff!

Special Thanks to all our listeners and author
We've reached the END of Season 1! Welcome to Season 2!!
Show Notes Summary:
1:26 End of Season 1, Beginning of Season 2
2:15 Personal confession - character voices… scary! Uber vulnerability…
3:00 Big New Year 2021 goals - Who I’m seeking personally! Beautiful collaborations
5:10 Insider details - the TOP 3 EPISODES of 2020 (one of them is a PART 2!! What happened to PART 1 people?1?!?!?!)
6:43 What to expect THIS YEAR (Season 2 :: 2021) Sci-Fi #writers pay attention!
7:32 What percentage of our listenership is WOMEN!?!??! #nerdywomen Who ELSE is listening??? Are they like me or you?
8:35 What the heck is the “OTHER” podcast playing platform you are listening on?!?!? Not Apple Podcasts, Google, Spotify or Stitcher? Hmmmmmmmmm
9:30 ANNOUNCEMENT! What, what?!?!
9:40 Want you story READ ON OUR PODCAST?! https://www.melissadeltoro.com/Call-for-Submissions-2021
10:11 More creative collaboration… but with who? Find out!
10:50 Join us on PATREON for behind-the-scenes goodies www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover
You can connect with me at melissa@melissadeltoro.com if you are interested in collaborating, working with me on your projects or have questions about the open call for submissions!
We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider visiting our patreon site at www.patreon.com/melissadeltorovoiceover
If you'd like to purchase books in the Untold Tales series, which have many more stories for your reading enjoyment, you can find them here... https://www.amazon.com/Untold-Tales-1-Jeffrey-Robinson/dp/1081757892/
You can SEE this podcast episode on my YouTube Channel HERE! https://youtu.be/uyUjPId200c
Music by HookSounds https://www.hooksounds.com
--- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/untold-tales/support

Don Muchow
Guest Author
Don Muchow is a guest writer on the Untold Tales podcast. Don lives and works in the suburbs of Dallas, TX, where he is currently training to finish his "bucket list" run across the United States. A lifelong advocate of immersive, dystopian SF, he believes that buried in the shadows of every dark future lies the inextinguishable spirit of hope and the yearning for a better tomorrow. When he's not imagining dystopian futures, you can catch Don running across the US or planning his next epic exploit.
He has appeared in 10 episodes and is scheduled for 9 more in the near future.

Howard Loring
Guest Author
A lifelong artist, Howard Loring is an actor, printmaker, painter and sculptor, as well as the author of both novels and short stories. Married, he currently resides in the Southeastern United States. He can be contacted via his Facebook Fan page.

Victoria Wieck
Guest Author
Victoria Wieck is the epitome of the rags to riches American dream story. Author of Episode 40 “Shattered Sky”, she immigrated from South Korea to America with her parents with only thirty dollars and built a multi-million dollar business with over $500 million in retail sales.
Not only is Victoria a brilliant serial entrepreneur, starting her own company on a shoestring in 1989 after a series of corporate jobs, but she is a brilliant writer and podcast host.
She has several books in the pipeline, including the full science fiction novel of Shattered Sky, scheduled to be released in 2021, as well as a successful podcast of her own called “Million Dollar Hobbies”.
Victoria has her B.S. degree in Economics from UCLA, and an MBA with emphasis in Marketing and Finance from USC.

Gil Schmidt
Guest Author
"I was born. I’m told I was very little. Had to grow, but did so by tearing around the neighborhood crashing into things (trees can be tricky) or acting like each baseball game (or any game, for that matter) was a "winner take all" epic. And by reading. Plenty of short stories, particularly those in "Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine" and "Boy's Life." Also comic books, tons and tons of comic books, along with science fiction by the truckloads. And anything else I could find, from "Newsweek" and "Reader's Digest" to "Highlights" and the encyclopedia. Started writing at 12, have kept at it since. Not as prolific as I like, but then again, whose fault is that? I say the trees, who have a record of 11-0 against me. On the other hand, my stories have appeared in thousands of printed pages, so maybe I have evened the score." - Gil Schmidt
He has appeared in 1 episode and is scheduled for another in the near future.

Marc Neuffer
Guest Author
Author of six Science Fiction action adventure novels, Marc Neuffer, an avid reader of this genre since the early 1960s, uses his extensive science and engineering background to pen novels of future time and space with plausible science as a backdrop for his imaginative stories built around normal characters.
Before becoming an author, Marc spent 20 years roaming the world with the U.S. Navy as a nuclear propulsion engineer visiting sixteen countries in Europe, Down Under, Asia, Eastern Pacific, Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean.
After retiring a second time, he started writing fun-read science fiction novels. In retirement, with nothing else left on his bucket list, he dreams of future things to come.

Caryn Larrinaga
Guest Author
Caryn Larrinaga is a Basque-American mystery and horror writer. She has been a Dragon Award finalist and won multiple awards for her work, including the League of Utah Writers Silver Quill (Donn’s Hill, 2017) and the Cat Writers Association Certificate of Excellence (Donn’s Legacy, 2020). In 2021, she was named Writer of the Year by the League of Utah Writers.
Watching scary movies through split fingers terrified Caryn as a child, and those nightmares inspire her to write now. Her 90-year-old house has a colorful history, and the creaking walls and narrow hallways send her running (never walking) up the stairs. Exploring her fears through writing makes Caryn feel a little less foolish for wanting a buddy to accompany her into the tool shed.
Caryn lives near Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband and their clowder of cats. She is an active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the Horror Writers Association, the Cat Writers Association, and the League of Utah Writers. Visit www.carynlarrinaga.com for free short fiction and true tales of haunted places.

Jim Gamble
Guest Author
Science Fiction Short Story Winner Jim Gamble! Jim was born in Independence, Missouri, the hometown of Harry S. Truman. He lives there with his wife, Paula, but their children have radiated outward to the four corners of the earth. As an architect in contractor, his imprint has been indelibly affixed to the landscape. Nowadays the same occurs in the landscape of literature by Jim’s fiction writing.

Hal Fulton
Guest Author
Hal Fulton is a software developer in real life; he has two degrees in computer science and is the author of "The Ruby Way". His passions are reading, writing, music, art, and theatre. He lives in Austin, Texas, in a condo located directly above the center of the Earth. His hobbies include live music and passing counterfeit bills to tourists. His short stories have been rejected by some of the finest magazines in the country.
Hal is scheduled for more upcoming episodes, "Ahead of his Time", and "Unknowable"

Philip Cahill
Guest Author
Philip Cahill is a retired accounting academic living in Caen, France. He writes science fiction and non-fiction articles about France. In 2020, he published his first novel, Noystria, set in his adopted homeland in the 21st and 26th centuries. He is currently working on an anthology of short stories which will be published later in 2022.

Chris Morton
Guest Author
Chris Morton's stories have been described as being in the genres of slacker lit, sci-fi lit, sci-fi psyche, magical realism, and avant-garde.
He is the author of three novels, six novellas, and over thirty short stories.
An English teacher for twenty years, Morton is also the author of the teaching guide: 'TEFL Flashcard Games for Young Learners.'
Chris is scheduled for 6 upcoming episodes. "The Christmas Man", "The Stranger", "Contacts", "Just a Shell" "Code Red" and "Atoms"

Andrew Lucas
Guest Author
Andrew J Lucas has contributed to books published by FASA, Dream Pod Nine, White Wolf Games, Rebel Minis and Atlas Games among others. He has twelve solo books for various RPG publishers and while his creative output is often blunted by his day job and the enthusiasm of his young daughter for distracting him, he does manage to get produce a few prime works each year. The last few years he has had a number of short stories published in various anthologies for publishers such as Outland Entertainment, Battlefield Press, and B Cubed Press. He also is working on a number of comic and graphic novel projects, which he is optimistic will be produced in 2022. When not working or writing he paints his wargame armies and occasionally finds time to field them in battle.
Andrew is scheduled for 1 upcoming episode, "Coromant"

Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson
Author / Co-Founder
Jeffrey A Robinson is the co-creator, editor, and principal writer of the Untold Tales podcast, a collection of short stories of the highest caliber based on the first in a set of three published science fiction anthologies. Jeff is a retired technologist, who grew up loving to read science fiction. After serving as a Naval Flight Officer, who flew F-4 Phantom jets, and an Air Traffic Controller, in the Marine Corps, he became a device physicist in a semiconductor-manufacturing facility and an expert in Manufacturing Execution Systems, computer automation, integration & cybersecurity. He has a B.A. in Physics, a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an MBA, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems. He also has postgraduate certificates in Computer Forensics, and a PMP, and is a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt, as well.

Melissa Del Toro Schaffner
Narrator / Co-Founder / Producer
Melissa Del Toro Schaffner is the primary Narrator for ALL the UNTOLD TALES episodes. She is an American Voice Actor and the co-creator narrator of The Untold Tales Podcast. In addition to being in the Mom after 40 club, she wears multiple hats including international best selling author, accomplished Accountability Coach, and creator/ illustrator of the Minority Girl Empowerment Coloring Book “Careers for Little Sisters” (available in English and Spanish). Melissa was also a contestant on the nationally televised game show “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire” and shares a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and MBA background with Jeff. Her current mission to inspire one million women to live the life of their dreams.