When the noted science fiction author, Theodore Sturgeon, once appeared as the guest of honor at a Science Fiction Convention, he made a comment that has become classic. It has since become part of the Murphy’s Laws corollaries and is a …
One of the main reasons that we created Untold Tales Audio Anthology was because it simply takes too long to listen to full audio books and, while we love quality science fiction, it is often impossible to an entire novel in a single sitting.(A typi…
My mother used to tell me fantastical stories about how when I was 4 years old, I’d rush home from Kindergarten with WILD stories about my day. Breathless, I could barely get out a syllable, as my mother tried to coach me and talk me down from…
I was asked to pick my top ten favorite Science Fiction Movies of all time. I tried. But I couldn't. I kept thinking of others that needed to be on the list. When I reached 25 is decided that I needed to group them by category, but the categories re…
As an actor / creative, the common advice is “never read your reviews”. As an insatiably curious, science-minded, creative person, I’m always interested in what people have to say about my storytelling interpretations. In this blog…
Empathy. Politeness. Ethics. Compassion. All HUMAN emotions and precepts. Enter Siri, Alexa, Google Voice, Cortana, Echo and the new plethora of machine generated voice assistants. As “learning” machine generated assistants become more …
A lot of people have problems with audiobooks. Many have grown up in a world of videos and podcasts and have never really developed a passion for reading. Some read too slow, some have difficulties reading for long lengths of time. They like the id…
One of the main reasons that we created Untold Tales Audio Anthology was because it simply takes too long to listen to full audio books and, while we love quality science fiction, you simply cannot listen to an entire novel in a single sitting. How…
As voice actors, we have the choice of performing in many, many genres of narration. Some come easier to us that other based on our personal life experiences, instrument / voice and acting ability. Nonfiction, Science Fiction, Literary Fiction, Memo…
A lot of people think that good science fiction is all about technology. The truth, however, is that it is not. Good science fiction is not really about science, at all. Sadly, many writers think this is true and focus a great deal of their…